Tuesday, July 21, 2015

GGC Day 2

Micah has been "climbing the walls" since he got here, so typical of the very same thing his daddy Scott used to do when he was little, climbing these very same door jambs.
Here was our schedule for today: 
We took a Scavenger Hunt around Zionsville, looking for pictures on our cards.  The first ones were actually around our home, the rest in town.  Papa led the way, and the kids insisted that he do his "really loud" whistle for them, which he did.  
Here they found the old letter box on Main Street, definitely an antique item: 
Abby noticed  pictures in an art gallery of Snow White (we never did remember the name of the 7th dwarf), Sleeping Beauty's castle, and Cinderella.  It was fun for the kids to see art that they knew something about!

"I found it!"  Micah found the Richard Gurley Family brick at Lions Park.

Of course the very best place to end up our Scavenger Hunt was at Dairy Queen for ice cream (to Hannah's delight!) even though it was before lunch.  We spent some time finger painting, then after lunch it was off to the Splash Park.  You can notice all the kids' tattoos in the pictures, which we put on this morning. 

There were literally hours worth of determined work on the monkey bars by all the children - and they all were doing a great job -  but this persevering look on Caroline's face says it all.

 She also was determined to make it to the top of the climber: 
 Hannah found the most perfect seat for twirling; in fact, all the kids loved this triangular swing that was slanted just enough to keep you spinning around.  
We picked up fresh farm vegetables at our co-op on the way home, then played outside games with bubble wands, sidewalk chalk and riding toys before dinner.  
The girls decorated Papa with duct tape and were giggling when he realized that he'd gone out on an errand in town with his "decorations" on. 

Waiting for dinner:
And finally, Bible story time with Days 5 and 6 of creation before bed:
Nana and Papa are exhausted, but we wouldn't have it any other way!!


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